Your Feedback is important

The SMRE metadatabase follows an open reaserach data approach. If you discover problems or errors, for example in existining datasets, please let us know and send an e-mail to:


Donation and Sponsorship

The SMRE metadatabase follows an open reaserach data approach and its use is for free. For operation and maintenance but especially for the next data reserach period (2016-2025) we are dependent on donations and sponsorships. Please contact us:



If you are interested in further developing the SMRE for you and your research project please contact us:

Interesting innovations could be:

  • New Tab “Religions” with search function for small religious groups in all data sets (around 20’000 USD)
  • Additional information in excel sheets (around 2’000 USD)
  • Additional information and functions maps, diagrams or tables (around 6’000 USD)