Data Entry

Crowd Research on Religious Affiliation in Europe - Contribute your data

The SMRE is about gathering large numbers of records from various sources. To make the SMRE as complete as possible, we invite colleagues from all disciplines to join. This data entry tool makes it easy to contribute. You can enter your own data or upload source material. You don't have to be registred but if you want to manage your data sets on your own, please open your own SMRE account.

Registred users are invited to become a member of the SMRE data community.

To start entering data, name your data set first (compulsory, but any title will do).

Choose your data structure: Annual = one or more countries for a particular year; Country = one ore more years for a particular country. (To enter more complex tables of your sources, break down your tables to one of these two basic options or use the upload function below.)

Alternatively you can upload your data source as a file (any format) to submit it to the SMRE team which will process it. (Make sure to name your data set, using the field above.)