Country data quality
The SMRE evaluates the overall quality of data of each country data set included into the SMRE. For this purpose a special country data quality algorithm to make an intersubjective data evaluation was developed (see our the appendix in Liedhegener / Odermatt 2018).
The algorithm is used as a standardized country evaluation scheme. It assigns one of four possible categories of data quality to each case (i.e. a given country at each period reported). For each case the data quality is classified either as
- reliable (1),
- probably reliable (2),
- problematic (3) or
- not available (4).
The category assigned to the case is the result of the various steps taken by following the sequences of the algorithm.
In sum, the results of applying the country data quality algorithm and the various tests and procedures implemented in the SMRE on data quality lead statistically to a ‘conservative’ judgment on the quality of data. Thus, our data sets for cases classified as reliable can be taken as a highly precise approximation to the actual situation of religious affiliation in a respective European country for a given period in time.
In the appendix of our working paper (Liedhegener / Odermatt 2018) the decision making about the data quality for all countries in all periods is shown.