
The SMRE includes statistics on religious affiliation for 50 European countries and covers two periods of reporting, namely 2000 (1996-2005) and 2010 (2006-2015). Technically speaking, the SMRE web database is a web based relational database management system (RDBMS). The model building and programming is a joint endeavour of the SMRE team and the Swiss based IT-company ongoing (Cham, Switzerland).


The SMRE and its geographical coverage

The SMRE holds data for 50 European countries:

Albania ALB, Andorra AND, Armenia AMR, Austria AUT, Azerbaijan AZE, Belarus BLR, Belgium BEL, Bosnia-Herzegovina BiH, Bulgaria BGR, Croatia HRV, Cyprus CYP, Czech Republic CZE, Denmark DNK, Estonia EST, Finland FIN, France FRA, Georgia GEO, Germany DEU, Greece GRC, Hungary HUN, Iceland ISL, Ireland IRL, Italy ITA, Kosovo XKX, Latvia LVA, Liechtenstein LIE, Lithuania LTU, Luxembourg LUX, Macedonia MKD, Malta MLT, Monaco MCO, Montenegro MNE, Netherlands NDL, Norway NOR, Poland POL, Portugal PRT, Republic of Moldova MDA, Romania ROM, Russia RUS, San Marino SMR, Serbia SRB, Slovakia SVK, Slovenia SVN, Spain ESP, Sweden SWE, Switzerland CHE, Turkey TUR, Ukraine UKR, United Kingdom GBR, Vatican City VAT


The metadatabase holds data for 7 Sub-Regions:

Cyprus North CYP-n, Cyprus South CYP-s, England & Wales GBR-EAW, Germany East DEU-O, Germany West DEU-W, Northern Ireland GBR-NIR, Scotland GBR-SCT


Aggregated data is available for 9 regions on European level:

EWG-6, EG-9, EG-10, EG-12, EU-15, EU-25, EU-27 (old), EU-28, Member States of the Council of Europe, Europe (Member States of the Council of Europe incl. BLR, VAT and XKX)